Welcome to The Central MA Senior Connection Bulletin
The Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging (CMAA)
serves 61 towns and municipalities.
We want to spread the word about excellent events
and programs for senior citizens in our region.
Read on to find out what’s going on in your community!

MassSupport is a program funded by FEMA and managed with the Massachusetts DMH and Riverside Trauma Center. It is a free, anonymous, and confidential program that provides support and resources to caregivers.
Sign up for one of their Caregiver Coping Groups by using the links below:
· Thursday 11/19: 7 PM to 8:30 PM https://forms.gle/x6dcgjqSieL3fVBu5
· Saturday 11/21: 10 AM to 11:30 AM https://forms.gle/iqsUjS1eq3KtniZUA
· Waitlist: https://forms.gle/7P6uRa6FutXzETzC6


The 150th anniversary of Ayer is right around the corner on February 14th, of 2021. APAC is making an 150th anniversary video of the Town and would like your help putting the video together. Using your smart phones, we want you record yourself talking about Ayer. If you don’t want to record on your phone we can also set up a zoom call to record you. The goal is to put together a video collage of everyone in Ayer (residents, employees, and business owners) who make this town great! We also wants to know how the town has been a part of their lives.
Here’s a list of things to choose from to talk about.:
- Family History: Does your family have historic roots to the town? Talk about your family history, and if you have photos you want to go along with your interview please submit them with your video.
- Personal History: When did you come to Ayer? How did the town change your life?
- Town History: Are you on a town committee? Do you help preserve the integrity of the Ayer? Talk to us about it.
- Business history: When did you set up your business? How did you become apart of the community?
How to film your videos?
- Contact APAC via email: ayerpaced@gmail.com or skurland@ayerpublicaccess.org.
- They can walking you through using your cellphone to record and send a video.
- They can set up a zoom interview.
- They can also walk you through using your own camera if you have one.
How to Send Your Video:
- Using Gmail, or a google drive send your video clips to ayerpaced@gmail.com or skurland@ayerpublicaccess.org. We will have our staff assemble a documentary from these clips.

The Clinton Senior Center has some excellent virutal opportunities for staying connected and active! Here are a few examples:
- Bingo (Thursdays at 12:30pm)
- Chair Yoga (Fridays at 12:30pm)
The above programs are hosted through Zoom. Please call the Senior Center at 978-733-4747 for information about how to participate.
The Shirley Council on Aging Senior Center has announced that they are closing the Senior Center to the public to combat the spread of COVID-19. Here are some updates about their operations:
- The Van is running for essential rides. Meals on Wheels will continue to be delivered.
- Social services and Outreach meetings are over the phone. If it is determined an in person meeting is needed, they will schedule an appointment.
- Please leave a message when calling. 978-425-1390. They will return calls by the next business day.


The Berlin Council on Aging would like to remind senior residents that they have extra blankets and other supplies for winter time.
To learn more, call 978-838-2750.

Virtual Pastel Paint Class: Georgia O’Keefe’s Miracle Flowers
Join the Leicester Public Library on Thursday, December 3rd from 6:00pm-8:00pm for a a virtual class with artist Greg Maichack.
Greg will guide you through the process of creating your own unique work of art. Suitable for older teens, adults, and seniors. No previous experience necessary, all materials will be provided. Space is limited.
Email library@leicesterma.org to reserve your spot in advance.

The Tower Hill Botanic Garden is pleased to offer on-demand webinars of their program offerings. Everything from ‘Intro to Birding’ to ‘Native Shrubs – Colorful Throughout the Year’ is a mouse click away! Visit their website for more details.
Note: each on-demand webinar has a small fee to offset costs ($7-$10).

Did you know that Spencer Cable Access is broadcasting exercise classes from the Senior Center?
From Tai Chi to yoga, there are tons of ways to get active and connected right from your own home!
Visit the Spencer Cable Access On-Demand page to find broadcast times and watch recent episodes on-demand.
To watch past episodes whenever you wish, visit www.youtube.com/user/SpencerCableAccess

Join the Sturbridge Recreation Committee for the
2020 Virtual Tree Lighting Ceremony on Friday, November 27th.
The event begins at 6:00pm and will be available to watch on Facebook Live or on Sturbridge Community Television (Channel 191)
For more information and updates, visit the Facebook event pageFor more information and updates, visit the Facebook event page.

Senior Fraud HelpLine
A partnership between RSVP Volunteers of Central MA,
Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging, and Family Services of Central Massachusetts
The Senior Fraud Prevention Initiative helps seniors recognize, resist and report fraud.
When calling the HelpLine, you will find a peer who may have had a similar experience to yours. You will speak with a person trained and knowledgeable about what to do next; a confidante who cares about your fears. The volunteers answering these calls have been trained to identify the tell-tale signs of scams and frauds.
You are not alone.
RSVP’s Senior Fraud HelpLine receives calls from
9:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday
Central Massachusetts
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
CMAA is pleased to offer seniors residing in nursing or rest homes
a continuing resource for resolving issues related to long-term care!
What is the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program?
An Ombudsman visits residents in nursing and rest homes to investigate and resolve complaints related to personal care, their belongings, food matters, roommate problems, and other issues which impact their daily lives. Ombudsmen resolve complaints through discussion, negotiation, or referring issues to the State Ombudsman. They also provide residents, their families, and community members with information and advocacy.
These professionals are trained and certified by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs and here to help!
For more information, contact OMB@seniorconnection.org