Updated CMAA Policy
Please note that due to COVID-19 precautions, our office will be serving consumers and callers only by phone and email until further notice.
Please call 508-852-5539 or email info@seniorconnection.org to get in contact with CMAA.
CMAA Honors Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month takes place each year from September 15-October 15. It’s the perfect time to honor and reflect on the culture and achievements of Hispanic and Latinx communities, especially elders!
We’re highlighting influential Hispanic and Latinx changemakers this month, including Sonia Sotomayor, Franklin Chang Díaz, and more.
Follow our social media pages for the latest posts and information about Hispanic Heritage Month.

Buy a Bag, Support Our Mission!

Looking for an easy way to support older adults and caregivers in Central Massachusetts?
Participate in our Community Bag Program through Stop & Shop!
For the month of September, each time a shopper purchases the $2.50 Community Bag at the Stop & Shop at 940 West Boylston St. in Worcester, CMAA will receive a $1 donation.
Get your grocery shopping done, help the environment, and support the wellness of our older community members!

Ayer “Heart of the Hometown Festival”
Ayer’s “Heart of the Hometown” Festival is this Saturday, October 2nd!
Enjoy free performances, community, and fun from 11:00am-4:00pm in Downtown Ayer.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group

The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group offers support for older adults raising grandchildren or other kin.
The group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. The next meeting is October 12th at the Greendale YMCA (75 Shore Drive, Worcester, MA)
To register or for more information, please call Elder Services of Worcester Area at 508-756-1545 or email ddfoley@eswa.org

COVID-19 Booster Shots
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts now has information available about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine booster shots. Visit mass.gov/COVID19Booster for more details.

Upcoming Vaccine Clinics and Participating Pharmacies
Haven’t received a vaccine yet? There are many opportunities to do so across Central Massachusetts. Visit the Mass.gov website to find a location close to you!
We will continue to keep you updated as additional vaccine opportunities develop. Follow us on social media for the latest details.
COVID-19 Disability Information and Access Line
The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) is available to help people with disabilities get vaccinated. The DIAL’s trained staff is standing by to:
- Help find local vaccination locations
- Assist with making vaccination appointments
- Connect callers to local services – such as accessible transportation – to overcome barriers to vaccination
Call 888-677-1199 Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern) or email DIAL@n4a.org
FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit
The Federal Communications Commission Emergency Broadband Benefit is a program to help households struggling to afford internet services during the pandemic. Reach out and stay connected!
Visit https://bit.ly/3tYrxny or call 833-511-0311 to learn more.

Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Did you know that the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development is offering Emergency Housing Assistance during COVID-19?
Learn more about the application process and eligibility by clicking here.
(If you or anyone you know would like to have something highlighted in our weekly newsletter, email akrasinski@seniorconnection.org.)