Updated CMAA Policy

Please note that due to COVID-19 precautions, our office will be serving consumers and callers only by phone and email until further notice.
Please call 508-852-5539 or email info@seniorconnection.org to get in contact with CMAA.
CMAA Partners with Hope & Comfort to Combat Hygiene Insecurity for Older Adults in Central MA
We are pleased to announce that the Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging is teaming up with Hope & Comfort and Yes We Care Inc. to distribute OVER 14,000 BARS OF SOAP to older adults in Central Mass along with other hygiene items! These items also include bars from Pacha Soap Co., a favorite among many.
We are immensely grateful for those committed to improving the well-being of our aging populations.
For more information or to receive soap for an older adult, contact Maria Tellez at mtellez@seniorconnection.org or call 508-852-5539 x113.
Clinton Food Pantry Receives $3,000 from CMAA

When the Clinton Senior Center mentioned they needed support with their food pantry, Stephanie’s Staples, CMAA stepped in to help. Our $3,000 donation will go towards supporting food security for older adults in Clinton.
Thank you to the Clinton Senior Center for all your hard work!
CMAA Brings Uhlman’s Ice Cream Truck to Leicester Senior Center
We had a blast at the Leicester Senior Center for our Uhlman’s Ice Cream Truck event. There was an excellent turnout and we were even visited by Senator Moore! We are so glad we could help older adults enjoy the last bit of summer.
Thank you again to the Leicester Senior Center for helping us put on this event!
Dr. Moses S. Dixon Recognized as one of Worcester Business Journal’s ’40 Under Forty’

Congratulations to our President & CEO, Dr. Moses S. Dixon, for being recognized as one of Worcester Business Journal‘s 40 Under Forty for the Class of 2021!
Check out the full edition here: https://www.wbjournal.com/…/40-under-forty-class-of-2021

Tai Chi is Back at the Millbury Senior Center
Tai Chi is back at the Millbury Senior Center starting Tuesday, September 7th.
Join Instructor Gary 9:30-10:30am at the Senior Center on Tuesdays for an hour of balance, strengthening, and community.
A great way to celebrate Fall Prevention Month!

Pride Flag Raising at Worcester City Hall on September 8th

Wednesday, September 8, 2021
3:30 PM-4:15 PM
Pride Worcester 2021 Week officially kicks-off with the raising of the Pride flag and a proclamation that is read by the mayor. The ceremony will be held outside of City Hall and will feature voices representing a wide cross-section of the local LGBTQ community.
For more information, visit www.prideworcester.org
Let’s Make Worcester Liveable for Everyone

The Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging is working with dozens of community partners to formally designate Worcester as an AARP Age-Friendly Community!
The AARP Age-Friendly Community Initiative exists to:
- enhance personal independence in communities
- help residents to remain in their homes and communities as they age
- provide opportunities for residents of all ages, ability levels, and backgrounds to engage fully in civic, economic, and social life
Age-Friendly Worcester will make Worcester more liveable by:
- supporting current community efforts to improve Worcester
- creating tangible changes that benefit people of all ages across Worcester
- focusing on specific areas of concern relevant to Worcester, including accessible transportation, affordable housing, and more!
We’re looking for additional community members and organizations who are interested in our joining our working group. Visit our website and click on the Age-Friendly Tab for more information.

New Mask Policies Across Massachusetts
With the increase in COVID-19 cases across the Commonwealth, many towns, cities, businesses, and events are requiring people to wear a mask in areas of substantial or high risk.
Please consult your town or city’s website and social media for updates specific to your area.
Remember, the best way to keep yourself and others safe is to follow guidelines.

COVID-19 Testing at UMass Memorial Health
Did you know that UMass Memorial Health has free COVID-19 testing at 201 Commercial St. in Worcester?
- Thursday, September 9th
- 10am – 3pm
- No appointment required
- Monday, September 13th
- 10am – 3pm
- No appointment required
- Thursday, September 16th
- 10am-3pm
- No appointment required
For more information, visit the UMass Memorial Health COVID-19 Testing site.
Upcoming Vaccine Clinics and Participating Pharmacies
Haven’t received a vaccine yet? There are many opportunities to do so across Central Massachusetts. Visit the Mass.gov website to find a location close to you!
We will continue to keep you updated as additional vaccine opportunities develop. Follow us on social media for the latest details.
COVID-19 Disability Information and Access Line
Help with COVID-19 vaccinations for people with disabilities!
The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) is now available to help people with disabilities get vaccinated. The DIAL’s trained staff is standing by to:
- Help find local vaccination locations
- Assist with making vaccination appointments
- Connect callers to local services – such as accessible transportation – to overcome barriers to vaccination
Call 888-677-1199 Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern) or email DIAL@n4a.org
FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit
The Federal Communications Commission Emergency Broadband Benefit is a program to help households struggling to afford internet services during the pandemic. Reach out and stay connected!
Visit https://bit.ly/3tYrxny or call 833-511-0311 to learn more.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Did you know that the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development is offering Emergency Housing Assistance during COVID-19?
Learn more about the application process and eligibility by clicking here.

FEMA Offering Support for COVID-19 Related Funeral Expenses
The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) will provide financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. COVID-19 Funeral Assistance will assist with expenses for funeral services and interment or cremation.
At this time, there is no deadline to apply for COVID-19 Funeral Assistance.
Applications for Funeral Assistance will be accepted through a dedicated call center:
1-844-684-6333 | TTY: 1-800-462-7585
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time
For more details about eligibility and documentation needed, visit the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance website by clicking here.
(If you or anyone you know would like to have something highlighted in our weekly newsletter, email akrasinski@seniorconnection.org.)