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Recent news, events and updates from the Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging.


Moving Announcement: CMAA’s Office is Moving

The Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging, Inc (CMAA):
will be relocating to a new location in Worcester, MA effective March 1, 2020.

Our new address will be 330 Southwest Cutoff, Suite 203, Worcester, MA 01604.

During this time of transition the Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging, Inc, will continue to serve our consumers without any service interruptions. This also includes no changes to our office’s main telephone number (508-852-5539). The new location allows us to serve you better, with more accessibility and opportunities to expand our partnerships throughout the Central Massachusetts Region.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to our continued service as the leader in Central Massachusetts in providing information and resources to older adults & their caregivers.


The CMAA Staff and Board of Directors 



Lawmakers Announce Deal on Older Americans Act Reauthorization!

“After nearly a year of advocacy and negotiation, this morning House and Senate leaders released a bipartisan, bicameral bill, Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020, to reauthorize the federal Older Americans Act (OAA) for five years. This is an exciting development that reflects significant commitment from and work by local and national advocates, congressional champions in both chambers, and key House and Senate staff. We believe this final compromise bill is poised for swift passage soon after the Senate returns to legislative business following the current impeachment activity…”

Read more here: n4a Legislative Update_ Lawmakers Announce Deal on Older Americans Act Reauthorization!

A Guide to Benefits for Seniors

“The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA) are committed to helping you gain information and access to public and private benefit programs so that you can live with dignity and independence for as long as possible. We developed the You Gave—Now Save campaign to help spread awareness of the many forms of assistance available to older adults who sometimes find it difficult to pay for basic needs such as health care, food, housing, and transportation.” (From the n4a website)

Click the link below for a complete list of benefits that seniors have access to: 

A Guide to Benefits for Seniors

Inspector General Warns Public About New Twist To Social Security Phone Scams

Click Here to Read Full Article – Social Security Phone Scams – Info on Website

“If you receive a call or email that you believe to be suspicious, about a problem with your Social Security number or account, hang up or do not respond. We encourage the public to report Social Security phone scams using our dedicated online form, at Please share this information with your friends and family, to help spread awareness about phone scams. For more information, please visit” 

Medicare Savings Programs – Find out if you qualify

From the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs and MassHealth:

“A new state law in Massachusetts is expanding several Medicare Savings Programs (also known as “MassHealth Buy-In” Programs). These programs help older residents and people living with disabilities save money on their Medicare coverage. On January 1, 2020, more people are now able to get help paying for Medicare…” (From Medicare Savings Program release)

The following link gives you more information, and three easy steps to see if you qualify:

Medicare Savings Program Information January 1, 2020

Modifying Your Home For Healthy Aging

Research shows that most older adults want to live in their homes and communities for as long as possible. Aging at home brings with it many benefits—both to older adults and the communities in which they live. A longtime home is a place of comfort and memories—and can be a source of connections to family members, neighbors, friends, places of worship, community groups, familiar shops, and health providers. However, most homes were not built to support the mobility, sensory and cognitive changes that often accompany aging. As one ages, everyday tasks such as climbing the stairs, standing up in the shower, getting in and out of the bathtub, and reaching objects in kitchen cabinets or other places in the home can become more difficult.” (From the Eldercare Locator website)

n4a and the Eldercare Locator have partnered with the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology on the 2019 Home for the Holidays campaign, which focuses on home modifications. This national public education campaign aims to ensure that older adults and their caregivers are aware of the many services and programs available in communities around the country to support them as they modify their homes for successful aging. (From the n4a website)

For more information please click the following links-

n4a Home Modification webpage

Home Modification Brochure from the website

Eldercare Locator Website

Free Health Care Planning Ambassador Workshops

Honoring Choices is hosting free Ambassador Workshops – open to all care providers- in Worcester, South Shore, and Western MA. Everyone is welcome!

South Shore
Oct 24. Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care Ambassador Workshop
9:00 am-10:30 am, Season Hospice & Palliative Care, Norwood.
Register Here.  Download the Flyer.

Worcester & Central MA
Oct 22.  Worcester Senior Center Ambassador Workshop
 9:00 am- 10:30 am, Worcester Senior Center, Worcester
Register Here.    Download the Flyer.

Springfield & Western MA
Nov 20. Western MA Transitions in Care Cross Continuum (TICCC) Workshop
2:00- 4:00 pm, Baystate Medical Center Education Facility. 

Register Here     Download the Flyer

Tips on how to have the difficult driving conversation

Article and Images from Keep Us Safe | 07/3/19

The purpose of this article is to offer you a couple of simple tips and suggestions that will help you in this very sensitive process.

Under optimal conditions, starting these complex and emotional conversations with a loved-one should rarely be done with a stick of dynamite!

Continue reading…

Innovation for the Wellbeing of Older Adults Mini-Grants

Background: On June 12, 2019, Central Mass Area on Aging (CMAA) in collaboration with the Worcester County Reserve Deputy Association will host the 21st Annual ElderCare 2019 event. As a result of our generous sponsors, we were able to raise funds that we are redistributing back into the community through this Mini-Grant opportunity. We plan to provide 15-20 Mini-Grants ranging from $500 to $1,000.

Eligibility: Eligible organizations must be a non-profit with a 501 (c) 3 status located in the Central MA region and serve older adults.

Funding Criteria: The primary goal of this funding opportunity is to advance the wellbeing of older adults living in the Central MA region using innovative approaches to fill gaps in programs and services. The intent of the funds are to activate a project or program and should not be used to supplement existing programs or services already in place.

Successful projects will be weighted on the following scoring criteria:

  • Advancement of the wellbeing or older adults in Central MA
  • A strong evidence of need for the project or program
  • Innovativeness of the approach
  • Ability to fill a need that current isn’t being addressed in the region

CMAA will follow up with awardees to get an overview of how the project or program impacted the wellbeing of older adults in Central MA. A short success story should be submitted to CMAA highlighting positive results and pictures from the project or program that will be shared with partners as part of a press release and posted on social media platforms.

Grant Timeline: Below is a list of key dates for this opportunity.

Opportunity Release Date: June 10, 2019
Grant Due Date: July 12, 2019
Award date: July/August
Final Report Due Date: Upon completion of program

Submission Instructions: Located on Application

Please contact Vanessa Ramos at or call 508-852-5539 if you have any questions about this opportunity.

Click Here to Download Mini Grant Letter….

Click Here to Download Mini Grant Application…